That's Where You'll Find Me

A place where fairies fly,
and mermaids swim.
Where the grass is green and soft,
And sweet smelling flowers are every where.
That’s where you’ll find me.

An enchanted forest with
Sparkling streams flowing through.
The trees are green towering canapé’s.
The waterfalls roar into rivers,
And the seas wash  golden sand
Over the shining shore.
That’s where you’ll find me.

A place where stars smile and twinkle
Up in the midnight sky,
Waking up from a long slumber.
The clouds drift lazily
Across the turquoise heavens,
Taking their journey slow.
The sun rises and sets
With glorious entrances and exits.
A panting of yellows, oranges, reds,
Pinks, purples, and creams, they create.
That’s where you’ll find me.

Dew drops glitter and shine
On bright green leaves,
So delicate and precious are they.
There is no better place and peace than this.
That’s where you’ll find me.


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