Midnight Mare

            The midnight black mare stood grazing the moon lit grass. She minded on her own, enjoying her late dinner. Her rough tongue passed over a fallen apple and she nibbled at it. It’s sour juices filled her mouth, and she spewed out  the rotten remains and looked up. Her ears perked as the sound of foots steps came closer…  

            “Please dear, you don’t understand. I did not mean to offend you. I only meant to suggest…,”
            “I do not care, you foolish girl! It wouldn’t matter if had offended me or not, I am still going to kill you! You’ve seen too much,” Tilliy’s secret lover bellowed in his dim voice. She had never seen him like this, so dark, so murderous. He had already killed tonight, and he was going to do it again.
            “Please, you wouldn’t hurt me. You couldn’t. You love me,” she sobbed, her whole body shaking with terror.
            He laughed, a low threatening laugh. “You see love, I though that as well, but now I find my self wanting to hurt you, to kill you. With every passing second, the desire becomes stronger, a deep hunger, starvation. I want to feel your blood, your warm sweet blood, upon my hands.”
            Tilliy was no longer sobbing, she was silent. Dead silent, with blank fear in her eyes, she was horrified. The man she loved was no longer the sweet mysterious man she once knew; he was a killer, a monster! At that moment, her feet took control over her and she ran, as fast as she could. The murderer chased after her, only a few steps behind. She heard the crack of twigs beneath her shoes. She tripped on her white gown and jumped back up rapidly, trying to stay as far away from the man as she could. In the distance she saw a shadow, a silhouette, of what looked like a horse. She came closer and without thinking jumped on to the mares back…

The creature came closer to the mare. Within seconds, the thing had jumped on to her broad back an was tugging at her main. The mare was familiar with this motion and darted of into the distance.  She could feel the person shaking and knew that something was not right. The mare felt her burden become heavier, then lighter again and suddenly a sharp scream priced the air.

Tilliy had been racing for minutes now, and how he caught up with the prompt creature, she did not know. But when she sensed his stare, she dared to look back. He was there right there. Behind her. His arms wrapped around her waist. How long had he been there? How long had he been there? Was this the last time she would ever fell those strong muscles against her waist? He grinned his wicked smile and enclosed the rope around her neck, pulling them back and falling off the horse. Tilliy gasped for air and he released the rope around her neck. She was still bound to him, around her wrist where twisted vines of silver. She looked into his carless black eyes and silently begged him to release her, to love her again. He read her thoughts and cackled.
“I know this hard for you to understand love, but it is the only way,” he softly whispered.  He brushed his rough lips against her soft ones. Kissing her tenderly at first, then more  passionately. He seized the moment a slipped out his silver dagger and plunged it deep into her chest. She shrieked with pain, and tried to breath in deep gasps as her air supplies became undersized. She felt the warm blood spilling out of her body, and dribbling down her white satin dress. Her lover held her close, letting the sticky, tepid blood trickle over him. He covered the opening in her chest with his hand and watched her eyes turn colorless. Her body went limp, and he dropped her to the ground, stuffing his blade back into his belt.


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