
Showing posts from September, 2012

Midnight Mare

            The midnight black mare stood grazing the moon lit grass. She minded on her own, enjoying her late dinner. Her rough tongue passed over a fallen apple and she nibbled at it. It’s sour juices filled her mouth, and she spewed out   the rotten remains and looked up. Her ears perked as the sound of foots steps came closer…               “Please dear, you don’t understand. I did not mean to offend you. I only meant to suggest…,”             “I do not care, you foolish girl! It wouldn’t matter if had offended me or not, I am still going to kill you! You’ve seen too much,” Tilliy’s secret lover bellowed in his dim voice. She had never seen him like this, so dark, so murderous. He had already killed tonight, and he was going to do it again.             “Please, you wouldn’t hurt me. You couldn’t. You love me,” she sobbed, her whole body shaking with terror.             He laughed, a low threatening laugh. “You see love, I though that as well, but now I find my self wanti