
Showing posts from August, 2017


The only thing that keeps me sane, Is the same pill that makes me feel dead inside. I hear the voices laughing in my head Taunting me… Not pretty enough. Smart enough. Thin enough.  Enough for this world. They tell me to let the pain ooze from my wrists,  That it will make the hurt feel like happiness. If I just drink a little more, The voices will slur and forget how to speak, Till I drown them in the darkness of blackout. If I just turn the music on till I block all the static of the world, The voices will shut up and relax for a while. The voices tell me to smile. To say I’m doing well,  And happy with my life. They lie, and tell me it’s true. They tell me that they are my friends,  That I don’t need to silence them. But I can feel their toxins course through my entire being. Taking over my body, Till I have no control but to be a puppet.